My UX journey for Microsoft School Digital Diary

Hello! I always find starting a project interesting, I get opportunity to work with new people and learn about a new industry. I thought to design a digital diary(MS) for schools. Now a days it’s really very difficult to manage all the things on physical school diary even it’s little complicated too for parent to track the status of their children. So there must be something for-

Student- To manage their homework, assignments, team project, classes etc.

Parent-To track their children’s performance.

School-To manage teachers, parent and student easily. In order to resolve this issue I have done lots of research, Surveys and testing and finally designed something very interesting.


“Provide a solution for students where they can organize all the work related to school.”

My Design Process

  • Persona Research
  • Persona Design
  • Find Pain Points
  • List of features and MSCW Features and release plan
  • Card Sorting
  • Information Architecture Design
  • Tree Testing
  • User Flow diagram
  • Low Fidelity Prototype-Paper
  • Guerilla Testing
  • Design UI
  • Mood Board
  • Color Theory
  • Typography
  • Iconography
  • Interface Design
  • Usability Testing
  • Final Design (Iteration if required)


Persona Research

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Total Participant: 7 
All my interviews lasted for 15–20 minutes. I found them enjoyable and I was able to gather useful information.

  • Survey Questions I asked:
  • What is your age range?
  • What is your current level of education?
  • How many hours do you spend on computer?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What type of apps do you use on a regular basis?
  • What are your biggest pain points related to school diary?
  • What is your motivation?
  • What are your goals?
  • What are your frustration points?
  • Tell me something about your personality.
  • Are you tech savvy?

Persona Design

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Pain Points

I identified several trends through the persona and user interviews.

1.What users want:

Users want a method by which they can:

  • Manage their homework.
  • Check Attendance.
  • Track status of ongoing team project.
  • Get notification on mobile and email.
  • Mark the important dates in calendar.

2.What frustrates users

  • Follow-up with teachers to know the attendance.
  • Difficulties in tracking project status.

List of all Features

These are the list of all features what we can provide in our application (Consider only Student).

  • User Account
  • Homework
  • Attendance
  • Circular
  • Team Project
  • Profile
  • Notification Settings
  • Time Table+Calendar
  • Scheduled F2F
  • Faculty Info
  • Help
  • Complain/Query/Request
  • School Info
  • Image Gallery
  • Transport
  • Peer Comparison
  • Exam & Result
  • Quiz & Poll
  • Groups
  • Online Payments
  • Request for Doc like- Certificates, Challan etc
  • Library

MSCW Features

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Basic plan for product release

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Card Sorting

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Information Arcitecture

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Tree testing

Software: Optimal Workshop

Tree Testing Summary

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Tree Testing Findings

Application Flow

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Low Fidelity Prototype-Paper

Guerilla Testing

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Guerilla Testing Findings

Design UI

Mood Board

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The Typefaces & Colors

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Interface Design

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Final UI