My UX journey for ProMeetups

Hello! Its really very complicated to meet like minded people with the skill set you required for your- group, projects, band, business etc. My name is Ashwani and I am working for a MNC from last 8 years. I really wanted to form a band or group of musicians. So tried a lot to find a way by which I can meet nearby people for my band or music club But if we talk about our locality its not easy to find a person having the skill set you are looking for, cause you cant go to people and ask their skill(LOL). Few days back I have realized this is not just my problem there are lots of people having the same issue few are looking for business partner few are looking for TT player or may be theatre actor. Although we have great networking application for making new connections but in real life those are just connections not more than that. If you want to do work on any project or you want to just meet new people to share your views or ideas but the problem is how to connect with these nearby people. So here I came with a solution

ProMeetup With the help of ProMeetup you can schedule a meeting with new people within the range of 1-5km.


“To connect with the nearby like minded people for meetups having same interest/hobbies/profession.”

My Design Process

  • Persona Research
  • Persona Design
  • Find Pain Points
  • Users expectations Survey
  • List of features and MSCW Features and release plan
  • Information Architecture Design
  • Tree Testing
  • Application Flow
  • Low Fidelity Prototype-Paper
  • High Fidelity Prototype
  • Design UI
    • Mood Board
    • Color Theory
    • Typography
    • Iconography
  • Interface Design
  • Final Design (Iteration if required)
  • Usability Testing(Concept Phase)
  • Changes in UI if required

Persona Research

Total Participant: 11 
All my interviews lasted for 15–20 minutes. I found them enjoyable and I was able to gather useful information.

  • Sample Details
  • Artist -2
  • Engineer-1
  • Student-3
  • Doctor-1
  • Photographer-1
  • Marketing Executive -1
  • Technical Writer-1
  • Power Plant Executive-1
  • Survey Questions I asked:
  • What is your age range?
  • What is your current level of education?
  • How many hours do you spend on computer?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What type of apps do you use on a regular basis?
  • What are your biggest pain points related to school diary?
  • What is your motivation?
  • What are your goals?
  • What are your frustration points?
  • Tell me something about your personality.
  • Are you tech savvy?

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Persona Design

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Pain Points

I identified several trends through the persona and user interviews.

1.What users want:

They want to connect with people easily in their locality without hesitation.

2.What frustrates users

  • They dont have any platform to connect people like them.
  • Its take a lot to do the icebreaking.
  • How to start conversation.

Users Expectations Survey

  • Sample Details
  • Developer-1
  • Technical Writer -1
  • Student-2
  • Software Professional-2
  • Artwork designer-2
  • Marketing Manager-1
  • IT Support-1
  • Quality Manager-1
  • NPD Assistant-1

Expectations Survey Summary

List of Expected Features

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MSCW Features

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Basic plan for product release

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Information Arcitecture

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Tree testing

Software: Optimal Workshop

  • Sample Details
  • Total Participants-10

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Tree Testing Summary

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Tree Testing Findings

Application Flow

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Low Fidelity Prototype-Paper

High Fidelity Prototype

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Design UI

Mood Board

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The Typefaces & Colors

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Interface Design

Usability Testing

System & Setup

  • The ProMeetups interface was demonstrated to the participants physically on mobile phone
  • 20 minutes sessions were hosted one-to-one with 7 participants. These sessions were moderated by Me.
  • Method used to test the interface was Think-Aloud method.
  • Moderate sessions were conducted inperson where the moderator monitored all the details and action of the participants.
  • The participants then performed the required tasks on this interface.

List of all participants

S.No. Name Role
1. Twinkle Artist
2. Prakhar Srivastava Musician
3. Vivek Bhandari Technical Writer
4. Shubhashish Pandey Engineer
5. Vikas Kumar Engineer
6. Tanuja Mehta Graphics Designer
7. Saurabh Tewari Student
  • The sample of users comprised of participants from Delhi/NCR, Bangalore
  • The sample size consisted Students, Artists, Engineers and Marketing Executives
  • Survey Monkey URL:


General Findings

  • Nearly all the participants liked the mobile app interface.
  • All the participants were happy about the flexibility, performance and ease of use of this application
  • On the whole, this new app was accepted by all the users and they suggested to bring this app asap for general users.

Usability Score

Participants Par. 1 Par. 2 Par. 3 Par. 4 Par. 5 Par. 6 Par. 7
Ease of Use 5 5 3 5 5 5 5
Efficiency 5 5 4 4 5 4 5
Overall Satisfaction 5 5 5 4 5 4 5
Overall Usability Score 4.66

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So there is no any change required in the app as of now. I will have another round of usability testing session with the app after develeopment(Implementation Phase UT).

Final UI